Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I think the UPS guy is gay...

For real, the highlight of the morning was our little UPS guy Dennis delivering a case of paper. Other than that, a s...l..o...w... news day.

Last night I returned the movies from the library I borrowed and took that Farly ninja movie with me. It's so dumb. But the whole reason that I got it was for the part where he and Chris Rock climb up the palm tree and the Jungle Nights song plays. It's one of my favorite parts of a movie. It's just a great song.

In other news, money is not rolling in. Bills are due on Friday. I can pay either one or another. But which one? I'm thinking the cell phone first. Then the auto insurance. But I might change my mind.

Big party this weekend. Can't tell you where yet, but it's going to be great. I'm very excited and so is the wife.

Tonight after work I'm going to be grilling outside with one of the guys I hang out with. We have teams that rotate cooking for the families that want to come to church for a meal. Tonight we're cooking burgers and hot dogs. And they're going to be on the grill, not boiled hot dogs. Mmm...delicious.

I got an e-mail from Georgie Bukatinsky. She sent me a picture of the four of us who made our own Buffalo NY group. I had to crop it because it's a huge picture. I'm the blue one, Georgie is the squinter, the saucy looking fellow in the middle is Jerry, and Vicki is getting ready for a romantic interlude with someone as shown from her choice of formal (or rather informal) wear.

What an awesome group of people. They're so much fun. I think we might even run into someo of them when we go to the party this weekend, which is always a good thing.

Ok, I'm working on getting my cellphone bill reduced by ten or twelve bucks so I can pay it. If you need me, leave a message.

Or you can check out the officail Mr. E myspace.


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