Today is the day the Polar Bears have their picnic
Artic Tundra is the best description of my home. After recieving an almost $200 gas bill, I decided to turn the heat down four degrees to save a small bit on next months bill. In doing so after one evening, I was rewarded this morning with no running water. As you read this I am reheating my home in the hopes that the increase in those four degrees will all my water pipes to thaw and return the flow of water back to my home.
I also recieved news that Korinne has locked her keys in her car. So I must attempt to locate the missing spare key and find a way to get it out to her so she can make it home.
Other than those two things, the past month has been going well. We celebrated Christmas at mom's as well as graduation for my sister and for Milks. I also had the pleasure of attending my first NFL game December 18th. The Lions vs. the Bengals. It was an awesome game and a great way to spend time with our friends.
On a lighter note, I have successfully choerographed two of the four dancing numbers for the Waterville Playshop performance of Charlotte's Web. The moves are simple, but look good when performed with the group. I am very pleased with the dances I have taught the small, young, and old. It has been quite an experiance. Not sure if I'd do it again. There's a whole lot of fun with it, but it also takes a whole lot of time. Something fun to try!
Graduations were fun. Milks and I drove up to Alma Friday after we worked and wrapped packages. We had pizza and cheese bread from Hungry Howies, and it was suprisingly good. Our drive consisted of chatting about our upcoming wedding, current expenses, and what we were going to do with her parents once the got up there Saturday morning. Luckily we were in Alma just before midnight. We needed to be up and at the school (Central Michigan) by 7:45 so Milks could get her cap and gown, her tickets, and a display folder for her Bach. degree. We made it and while waiting for her parents and the ceremony to start we packed up some of the stuff she brought in. This way she wouldn't have to go back to the meeting room and pick those items up.
After the ceremony we went to lunch at the casino with her family. It was a Saturday brunch. Not the greatest, but the chicken was tasty. The also had little bottles of Tabasco sauce. Just the right size for a Barbie and Ken house, if indeed they use those sauces. We played the casino floor and left with $20 more than when we started. It was nice. After that it was back to my mothers for Christmas.
It was a lot of fun this year. Milks and I gave away an herb garden, dancing bear, tuxedo boxer shorts w/ tie, 2 car care kits, coffee set w/ clip on hat light, a lighthouse table accessories kit, dolphin mirror, and a bridesmaid dress. We recieved a blender, full set up dishes, pajamas, marshmallow shooter, a Napoleon Dynamite doll, foot spray, hair rubber bands, tickets to the Lions vs. Bengals, and a Brett Favre cheese from Kenosha Wisconsin. We had a great time and enjoyed ourselves. Then it was to bed and off Sunday morning to make it home to get to our friends house to make it to Detroit for the game at 4:05. We left a few minutes late from our friends house, and missed the almost the first quarter of the game due to traffic on I-75. It was crazy.
In front on the game there were people demonstraiting against the current GM of the Lions, and a majority of the fans wore Bengals Orange in protest of what has been happening to the franchise during Matt Millen's tenure. Everyone and their brother were trying to make a buck selling Fire Millen shirts, bumper stickers, and hats. It was crazy. The best thing about the game is that we had some really awesome seats. We were right next to the uprights in the endzone. I took some pictures and they were mostly action pictures. Really cool. Milks and I each had a beef hot dog, and we split a nacho and Vernors. After the game the kids and I took to the seat to collect the souviner cups that people buy and leave behind. I won with a total of 31 cups. After they're washed, I'll have enough cups to have on every day for a month before I have to wash them. It's pretty sweet.
Monday night at work I was written up due to an infraction on the attendance policy. I had missed four days over the past two months. Some from my Turkey day sickness, one for some other reason, and then Sunday's football absence. I am now on 90 day probation and cannot have another absence. If I do, then I believe I recieve written warning. After two more, it's a suspension. I don't really see that happening, but you never know. I'll just do my best to make sure that I'm there.
I'm skipping my normal lunch meeting today to make sure that I have water this afternoon. I am also going to forrage around the house and see if I can find the missing spare car key for Korinne so she doesn't have to spend $50 on a locksmith.
On a very positive note, I begin my vacation from the bank tomorrow. I will also be on vaction until Monday with Kroger. It should be quite a week. Maybe I'll crawl around under the house and see what I need to take care of before something else happens to the mobile house.
Have a facinating Christmas. Celebrate it as if the King of Kings is coming back tonight.
If you celebrate Kwaanza or Channuaka please remember, you wouldn't be here if God hadn't made you.