Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Monty is Full, but we have a table at the bar...

It's official. They posted the cast list. I make my return to the bright lights of the Croswell stage on Wednesday. The Full Monty...or something to the effect of, "Please take your clothes off and wiggle your wang around."

It should be a good show. I'll be acting with one of my favorite people, Matt Richardson.
Matt was the cat in our Honk, and the evil Monk in Monky Business. He is a riot. Always playing the strong roles, but this time he gets to play the feminine side of a man. It's going to be good.

Of course, I can not do a show without a bit of controversy. And it seems that this show is starting to pose trouble early.

Last evening while the wife and I were talking, we made comments about the show and how it sucks that I always get into shows where I have to come into close contact with women. For the Full Monty I am the only cast member that has a good relationship with his wife. That being said, Mrs. King stated the it would only be fitting to have the choerographer cast as my wife in the show.

For most, that means little. But to us, it is a subject of laughter and potential trouble. The choerographer is a busty red hed. She was at auditions and Mrs King noticed that I tokk notice of her. Needless to say we did discuss the audition. There were no trouble spots and I passed it off. I mean, what choerographer gets cast in the show they're choerographing, right?

Well, aparently this one does. And we have our read through tomorrow, so I will finally get to see what I am up against, and what's working for me.

That being said, I would like to ask for your help. Keep my wife and myself in your thoughts as this will be a difficult time, and with most shows there's probably more that we've yet to see.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?

What a weekend. My car crapped out right in front of the house, Dad-in-law and I golfed all afternoon Saturday, I delived the photo album I've had since February, Sunday we loafed around until I worked, and yesterday we had rehearsal.

Saturday Mrs King and I went to breakfast with her dad and grandma. There her dad asked if I wanted to go golfing, kind of half heartedly, not thinking that I like to golf. But I do...so he called his buddy and we were going to a golf outing put on by people from his church. Of course, the Mrs. wasn't too happy about it, but when conforted with the fact that it would be me and her dad all afternoon, she felt a bit of relief. She decided to go and assist in the set building for our up and coming production of Fiddler in Rossford. She painted a doorway and proceeded to hang out with one of the couples there.

I drove to the course early because I didn't know where it was or how to get there. I sat around and waited about 1/2 hour in the sun until Road Warrior Jerry pulled up on his Vulcan!

We went out, played for what seemed like hours, and had a fun round while finishing four over par. Not bad for a scruff team. We were then treated to the classic outing steak dinner. I later figured out it was an outing put on to help support a place called the Mercy House in Monroe, MI.

As I understood it the house is there for young mothers, pregnat ladies who need comfort, and used as an outreach to single and impoverished mothers. A very worthy cause to be giving to.

After the dinner and sharing of the Mercy House, we were given tickets. They were for raffle prizes. Road Warrior was like the third guy picked, so he got 15 golf balls and gave them to me. Ten numbers later, I was picked. I scored a free round with a cart at the course. AND on the way out one of the guys there gave me a certificate for a free oil change at Friendly Ford in Monroe.

It was a good time and the money raised went to a very noble cause.

Then I took back the photo album I've had since Feb. to a guy I've done shows with. He was very relieved to see it.

Sunday...church...lunch with the Krott family...sleep...work...sleep.

Monday I was in Lansing for training on our computer system for the bank. It was a really good class, and now I am able to find and fill out the forms I need when our customers have questions or need to do something more than make a deposit or withdrawl. It was very cool.

I was even home before the wife, so I vaccumed the house and she came home. We went and picked out a song for me to sing on Sunday at church, ate some ice cream, and had Taco Bell before we had to jaunt off to rehearsal. Rehearsal was itself, rehearsal. Very hot, very boring, very long. I'm sure there will be plenty more of that tonight!

Oh, when I got home there was a telephone call on the answering machine. I needed to call Doug. I didn't realize who it was until I called. It was the director for the Full Monty, and I'm IN!

That's going to be a really fun show. I can feel it. There will be plenty of humor involved in that production, I can tell you that. The first read through is next Weds. and I am looking forward to going.

So today, I finally come back to my own branch of the bank after four days away, and I am glad to be back. I just can't wait for lunch!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I will be right here waiting for you...

The weekend is almost here, and I haven't talked about last weekend. After work Rinney picked me up and we made our way to Grand Rapids Ohio for dinner and a show. We saw Fiddler and I must say that for a small production it was quite good. Minimal choerograpy, decent singing, and conservative blocking ran the show.

However, Tevye went into and out of his accent, Golde was Scottish, and Motel was a flaming homosexual. Other than those little things, the show was quite good.

We ate at some little dinky place called LaRoe's. Due to time constraints we were lucky enough to get the buffet for only 12.95. A small assortment of chicken, ribs, and rice was served along with nasty bread with crappy butter and tasty walleye water.

After that we went home, and Saturday came. It was time for the FULL MONTY!

Or rather the audition for the Full Monty.

Auditions started at 9:00, but we slept in and got the about quarter after ten. I went in, all dressed up from the outfit Rinney put together, and got an audition form. After going to the bathroom and filling out the form I was told I would be next to audition. It turns out I was the fourth person to audition. That means that the other three guys before me had to be there for at most an hour. I sang my staple song "Poison Ivy" and then we learned the dance. It was taught to us by a good looking red head. Busty and shapely, which is always a good combonation when you have to learn a dance. It makes it easier to pay attention.

The dance was taught to us slowly and then we attempted it with the music. It was like five times faster. Similar to the music that was used for the Grease audition. Needless to say, the dance was quick, but I faired quite well once we got to the part with the pelvic thrust. It was a natural movement for me.

And the director dropped his pop when he saw me do it. It was pretty funny.

Okay, so we finish the audition and the director gathers us. He tells us that he's glad that we came out, that there will be auditions tomorrow, and possibly call backs that afternoon and Sunday night. He asks everyone to kind of stay around for the afternoon...


Everyone else gets dismissed but me and he pulls me to the side and asks where I'm from. I tell him Ohio. He asks if I auditioned for Dave, the chubby guy who struggles with is weight, I say yes. He tells me that there are a lot of good roles in this show, and that he looks forward to seeing me soon...

Now today is Thursday, and not a word.

I check my e-mail about 15 times a day, check the answering machine on my lunch hour, and keep the phone ready.

But nothing yet...

Friday, July 07, 2006

What a night.

For Fiddler last night Mrs. King and I went to church choir. Half of the principal charecters were not there, so we figured it would be okay. Besides, we're involved with our church choir and the rehearsals for choir are always on Thursday nights. We had a great time at choir. We sang some wonderful songs and get to spend time with our friends.

Afterwars we were going to visit the Milks, but they were ready to leave to go home from the restaurant they were at. So we went home and had some ice cream. I did a load of wash, went and played a little Mario, dried the clothes, and went to bed. No stress inducing activites.

Then I check the e-mail this morning.
I'm glad that we missed when we did.

Here's a snippet of it for you, the reader.

No, I think perhaps the whole e-mail should be shared.

First of all, I just want to thank all of those who turned in their bio forms (or spoke to me about them) by last night's deadline. I can now get these off to the printer for the programs. I'd also like to note how far you have all come since rehearsals began. It takes a lot of dedication to put together a show.

That said, I need to tell you how disappointed I am in some of your behavior at last night's rehearsal.

Today is July 7. You have less than one month until opening night. Think about that. Can you really afford to sit behind your director and talk while others are rehearsing? Now is the time to show us what you're made of. Putting a show together takes hard work from not just your director or producer or stage manager.... it takes hard work from YOU. We are doing our best to make this show a success, but we cannot do it without your help.

You made a commitment to this production when you accepted a role from Julie. Talking while other scenes are being rehearsed is unacceptable. Cell phone calls are unacceptable. You can turn the volume down for two hours of your day. The fact that Julie and I both had to reprimand you several times is absolutely ridiculous. That some of you then had the nerve to laugh at us when we did so is as disrespectful as you can get. That will not happen again.

When another scene is being rehearsed, you need to sit quietly and watch....and listen. This is not just about "your" scenes. It all tiestogether as a whole, and you could very well learn something in the comments Julie gives your fellow actors while they run their scene. Cell phones must be turned off or the volume down all the way. That's it. If we can set aside time for you, the least you can do is respect that and use it. If you cannot contain yourself, it is your responsibility to GO OUTSIDE and talk quietly with your friends. HOWEVER, do not miss your cues. If Julie is about to rehearse your scene, going outside might not be the best idea, right? What you could also be doing while others are rehearsing is a small rehearsal of your own. Study your lines. Run them with others. Rehearse your choreography.... with others, too. You might think you have them "down", but I assure you more study time will not hurt you. This is yourrehearsal time. These evenings have been set aside for you to learn this show, inside and out. Use it wisely.

You have the weekend to rehearse on your own time. USE IT. You're looking better than you did a month ago, but I assure you, there is much mroe that needs to be done. Monday you come back to rehearse with your director and run scenes with music and choreography.

We're putting the effort in for you folks.Please do the same for us.

WOW. As if things weren't bad enough, now we're getting the rub from the Producer. It has been my experiance that they just make things happen, not lecture and babysit. But you'd need a baby sitter with the age of this cast. It's disappointing. Here's something funny. We don't have anyone to play piano for this difficult show. Haven't had one since Butch left. We could have a good show, but with what we've got, I don't see it happening.

Deep down inside I'm hoping that they just cancel the show and save us the pain of having to perform in from of all twelve people in Rossford.

On an upside, we are going to Grand Rapids OH to see Fiddler in the town hall. I'm sure it will be better than anything we'll be able to do, which is why I'd like to go and see it.

Okay, I have to get ready for auditions tomorrow.