Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I can't believe I did it.

I told them no.

The Croswell...
I told the Croswell no.

After saying I would like to do Okalhoma (which was a lie) Kori and I talked last night and everything clicked. I'd be in Adrian every night for roughly the next month and a half. I would also be missing the entire softball season, work, and my WIFE.

So I said no.
I didn't want to be a farmer, but I was willing to do it for my love of the stage.

I wanted to be a farmer so I could wh00p some cowboy butt.

I wanted to be a farmer so I could sing and dance on stage.

I wanted to be a farmer so I could keep up to date on performing.

But I lied to someone very important. When I went into auditions I said a simple prayer. After finishing the musical at church, I wanted to do something that would honor God. I wanted to glorify His name through my performance.

Then I was cast as a farmer in a show I didn't even audition for. I skipped out on the dance portion for Oklahoma so I could practice the moves for the other two shows. I did not give 100%.

I only gave 30%, and I think I am over estimating.
I was then offered a role based on my size.

Here's a snipped of the e-mail...

I would like to invite you all to be a part of this summer's production of Oklahoma, as our farmers. You all gave particularly strong singing auditions, and we will have some interesting physical stuff to do, particularly in the "Farmer/Cowman" number, so you were both physiaclly and vocally ideal.


I have to invite you to be a part of this summer's production of Oklahoma, as our farmers. You sang strong at auditions, but you dance like an elephant with amputated legs. I'll come up with something you can do, in "Farmer/Cowman" . You sang well, but you are not what we were looking for in any acting capacity. Maybe you can help build the set, on your own time.

There it is. Ah...I feel better.