Tuesday, August 29, 2006

She's down there, and she's not coming back for a while...

Well, all is back to normal here at the ranch. I finished Fiddler, am currently working on Monty, and shipped the wife off to Columbus this past weekend. We did not leave until Saturday at like 12:30, and we got down to OSU around 3:00. We made excellent time. Our survey of the rooms in Jones Tower took us to the first three levels of the building. Our biggest concerns, as far as room type, were accessability to the stairs and kitchen, unobstructed view, and high enough off the ground so people can't just walk over to your window and say hello. After that, we decided on a cozy little room with a pull out twin couch/bed. It was really cute. It even has little storage areas for your collectables, your tchochkies, and what not. Very nice. We then managed to secure a vaccum cleaner and banish the crap that was left from the pervious owner of the room. I also found five cents.

After finally moving the room around, we decided to grocery shop in Columbus. Having some problems with identity theft, I was left with a budget of about $100 for the weekend into this week. Needless to say, I'm doing great with the $4.00 I have remaining. But.. we did shop and then slept. All day Sunday was a wonderful sleep fest. Afterwards we went to Linen's and things and bought a shower head attachment so Kori can have one of those bubble stream shower heads, excellent for rinsing your hair.

Sunday night I was privilaged enough the eat at THE original bw-3's. It was just this little building with a bar in front and dining in back. Quaint and cozy, but nothing more than a regular bw-3's. Then we watched the Colbert Report on youtube and prepped for her first day of classes. Monday she went to class and I slept. She called for lunch and I picked her up and we went to Kroger to get lunch meat and bagels, then to a hardware store so I could attach the showerhead. I dropped her off for the second half of class and went back to sleep. Afterwards, she came home, we took another nap, and then I proceeded to leave. I was a little sad, but could not bring myself to cry just yet. I can tell that it's still building and that I will break down sometime thursday. That seems like a good time.

So I'm supertired and about to fall onto the keyboard. I can feel the qwerty impressing itself upon my brow.

And I work for the Big Kroger tonight!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm back.

Things have been moving at a slow pace this week. It's only Tuesday, about noon, and I've helped three people. Ugh...

The last week went by, with Fiddler every night for the week. We had some string performances, but the sunday show fell apart. It was like to cart Patrick used in our Croswell version, the wheels fell off. Our friends Steve and Joanna came to see the show and so did Butch.

Butch also assisted me last night. I had my first rehearsal at the Croswell for the Full Monty. It was a vocal rehearsal, where I sang for about two hours. We workeds on harmonies that I will be a part of. There are some really high parts and I'm having trouble getting the notes right. But I was smart and brought a recorder so I can listen to the rehearsal again before next Monday.

I'll have two rehearsals next week. After our Thursday rehearsal I'll be leaving with my wife to go to Tennessee. We're going on a trip with our church choir. It's going to be an experiance. Something like a 11 hour bus ride, so it should be fun. I'll need to make sure to take my Nintendo with me.

Fiddler closes this weekend, and I cannot be happier. I've made a myspace as my role, and it's pretty funny. http://www.myspace.com/mordcha

At least, it is to all the people who have joined it.

Ok, I brought Kori's Princess Peach game to work today, so I'm going to go play it now. Have a great day!

And Kori, thank you for going with me last night to rehearsal. It was nice to have you there.