Happy Thanksgiving to Flu
Here's a dirty little love note I'd like to share with you...
I will seek and find you . . . I shall take you to bed and have my way with you . I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan. I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop. I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you. And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days.
All my love, The Flu
It was a long T-Day. I cooked with Milks Dad after breakfast. Potatoes, deviled eggs, stuffing...a very tedious task. The key was to make enough food to feed 20 people, all Milks family. Gram, Gramp, Mom, Dad, Oldest sister, husband, two boys, second oldest sister, husband, two girls, Milks, me, little sister, and boyfriends. There ended up being enough food for everyone to basically take seconds of their first meal home. Ridiculous. I was lucky enough to get intestinal flu, unknown at this point, so I laid on the couch for about 3 hours. The a visit to the dogs I was watching, and back home to be met by Milks send oldest sisters family and younger sister with boyfriend. My home is quaint so having 8 people over is like riding in a Pinto. You can do it, but it's not very comfortable.
Well, we started to play Cranium Turbo, the youngest sister got upset and flew into the bathroom where she sobbed in the fetal position. Hilarity ensued as people attempted to coax her out of the bathroom. Who was successful? The 4 year old. She had to pee.
After the meltdown we regrouped and Milks and I dominated the game. Jealousy quickly appeared and tried to attack us. It was unsuccessful.
Friday I slept until 11:00, took some AD medicine, and was off to the bank. An easy day when no one banks with you! I was able to log 13 trips to the restroom. After my 6th or 7th I decided to take the evening off from work.
Saturday, slept almost all day. Played some Mario Party 5, went to the bathroom a whole lot. Tried to eat and was successful at getting food down and up that day! I felt like the Power Tower, the one where it blasts up.
Sunday I thought I was better so I got Milks and we started for church. We stopped, got her a coffee and I a Snickers Ice Cream and Frozen Mt. Dew. We made it to church just before the sermon. I had to leave about halfway. I heard some of the sermon. I'll be listening to it again soon. I'm getting the cd.
SO I got sick, and then we were invited out to lunch as thanks for watching the dogs. We went, and I ate three things and kept them all down. They were fried shrimp, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. Then it was back home, where Montazeuma had his revenge. I didn't do anything to him or his empire, why was he picking on me?!?! Needless to say, after a few more trips, I called off work again.
So there was my T-Day, in a ceramic bowl. How was yours?